Club Rules
All rowers must adhere to the Schuylkill Navy Rules of the River. A copy of the rules is posted in the boathouse and at
After every row, please complete the following boat care:
Hose down the boat, outside and inside, except for the shoes.
Wipe the tracks with a soiled towel.
Dry the hull with a clean towel.
Open the vents so that the interior sections can dry out.
The boathouse may be closed to rowing at the discretion of the boathouse manager due to unsafe weather and/or water conditions such as high winds, flooding, thunderstorms, or large floating debris.
All boats rowing at dawn, dusk, or periods of low visibility must be equipped with working bow and stern lights.
Novice rowers may not launch before dawn and must return before dusk.
Club singles, trainers and gigs may not be used in the winter. The boathouse manager will determine, at his or her sole discretion, when these boats may no longer be used based on average daily temperatures. He or she will likewise determine when temperatures are warm enough to again permit use of these boats.