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Bachelors Barge Club welcomes experienced and amateur rowers to Boathouse Row

Are you an athlete looking for a new challenge?

Did you row on a collegiate level and want to get back on the water?

Do you want pursue a new sport, become a part of Philadelphia’s history while playing a role in a welcoming community?

Click the button below to discover the benefits of becoming a member of Bachelors Barge Club, the oldest continuously operated boathouse in the country.

I’ve been a member for 15 years and I love Bachelors Barge Club! It is a great community of enthusiastic rowers and friends. unique in many ways.
— Elisabetta M.
Awesome rowing club! The club atmosphere is friendly and supportive! There are opportunities to improve your rowing through group or individual coaching, to race and to train during the winter time!
— Andres C.
Rowing on the Schuylkill River is an amazing experience and Bachelors Barge Club is the best place to row. We have coaches who will teach you how to row or increase your knowledge if you are already a rower. There is an extensive list of equipment to use. I have been a member for 19 years. The club has been getting better every year.
— Toby H.